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The four htobacco lines from Element are called: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. These are each based on different tobacco blends and therefore have a very different nicotine content. But that's not all. The flavors are also very different depending on the tobacco line, so that in the end there is something for every palate. The Virginia-based "Air" line seems to be particularly popular with the international public. This impresses with its masterfully combined aromas, which are perfectly accentuated by the slight sweetness of the Virginia tobacco. However, the brand's other tobacco lines, which are all based on various dark blends, are also well received by the community.
The lightest product line from Element is called "Air". In contrast to the brand's three other hookah tobacco lines, Air is based on a light and sweet Virginia tobacco blend and is therefore particularly suitable for beginners and consumers who prefer a more subtle, subtle tobacco flavor. The Virginia tobacco for Element is grown in several European countries and is therefore subject to the demanding quality criteria of the European Union.
For those who enjoy a slightly higher nicotine level and a spicy base note, Element Water tobacco is a very good choice. The product line based on Burley tobacco has a slightly bitter tobacco note and was the first product line with which Element made a name for itself in the Russian scene. Like the Air line, the tobacco comes from several European countries and is therefore subject to strict quality controls.
Although the Earth product line is "only" the middle child in Mother Russia, it is the strongest of the three available product lines in our country. The rather high nicotine content is definitely not for beginners. This is because different, stronger tobacco is used for the Earth line than for the "Water" line.
As there are so many different varieties and the brand has only just come out here, we can't easily answer this question. However, Air Line seems to be in great demand internationally and Amazing G, Yellowgrass and Lee C are particularly popular from this line.
The Air Shisha tobacco range in particular is great for smoking in a phunnel with a smokebox. This setup gives you the best results for this tobacco.
However, you can also smoke the brand's Virginia tobacco in a classic setup with a hookah bowl and chimney cap. The only difference here is that the taste and smoke development is slightly less intense. With Burley tobacco, on the other hand, we advise against the combination of clay head and chimney cap. If you want to use a setup other than a phunnel with smokebox, you can use a multi-hole head with HMD. In this setup, however, the nicotine of the tobacco is more noticeable and the tobacco is therefore somewhat stronger. It doesn't matter whether the HMD or the smokebox is made of aluminum or stainless steel.
According to the manufacturer, the temperature makes a big difference to the flavor development of the tobacco. Lemon zest, for example, is also used for flavoring, which releases more bitter substances at higher temperatures and can therefore give the tobacco a significantly different taste. You may therefore be able to achieve a more pleasant taste by varying the temperature. The heat that the different product lines can tolerate also varies. You should therefore be willing to experiment a little if you want to try them all.