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Hookah disposable hygienic mouthpieces for hygienic shisha smoking!

Disposable hygienic mouthpieces for shishas have the advantage that they enable hygienic smoking and can thus limit the transmission of diseases as far as possible. The hygienic mouthpieces are only suitable for one use at a time. So as soon as you stop smoking or use a different mouthpiece, a new one should be used. 

The downside of disposable hygiene mouthpieces

But they also have a big disadvantage that should not be underestimated, especially in times of rethinking and sustainability: they create a big mountain of waste and are made of plastic. To prevent disease transmission in the short term, disposable hygienic mouthpieces are perfect, but they are not a long-term solution. 

 That's why you should turn to reusable products like Moze Tips. Disposable products belong to a time long gone, but the health aspect should not be ignored. They are a short-term solution that should not be used too often. We only recommend these mouthpieces if you often have different people over who rarely smoke hookah and don't have a personal mouthpiece like a Moze Tip.