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ByCandy Tabak - Ein Paradies süß-fruchtiger ByCandy Shisha Tabak Geschmäcker

Basierend auf Virginia Grundtabak lehnt der ByCandy Tabak seine Aromen an fruchtig einzigartige Geschmäcker an. Sorten wie SW - Saure Würmer zählen zu den beliebtesten und haben sich in der Szene einen Namen gemacht, obwohl es den Shisha Tabak erst seit kurzem zu kaufen gibt! Das Comic Design in Kombination mit verrückten, meist chaotischen Geschmacksmischungen wirken wie ein Traum – ein wahr gewordener Kindheitstraum. Mit ByCandy Tabak fühlst du dich, als wenn du in einem kunterbunten Paradies aus Süßigkeiten wärst. Tobe dich aus und lass deine Kindheitsträume wahr werden: Nasche von all dem süßen Zeug! › Hier findest du weitere Informationen

Which ByCandy tobacco varieties are available?

  • SW - Sour worms: The taste of the popular children's candy is here in tobacco and is one of the most popular on the market.
  • BeM@ngo: Sweet fresh mango, perfect for a fruity fresh spring this tobacco goes hand in hand with fresh spring breeze
  • GrpKiss: The classic variety with grape mint adds a touch of nostalgia to your smoking experience.
  • Zuna/Prince of Africa: A mix of 18 different fruits lets you see something new every time.
  • Cool Rocket: Sweet and sour pineapple meets sweet and cool ice candy. A hint of sourness from the pineapple paired with the sweet-cool note of the ice candy will leave your palate floating in seventh heaven!

ByCandy hookah tobacco - Experience what fruity tobacco should actually taste like!

The ByCandy hookah tobacco is particularly convincing due to the partly curious and wacky hookah flavours. Here you can see that tobaccos that seem crazy and random on paper are the complete opposite in reality. Here, popular flavours have been put together that shouldn't actually go together on paper, but that's exactly what ByCandy tobacco does. The more curious, the more successful. Also with the tobacco novelty Cool Rocket, two already existing flavours were combined with each other and the result is a pleasant, flavour-intensive hookah tobacco. The concept and strategy behind ByCandy seems to be working out perfectly and we are curious to see what else awaits us - we are looking forward to it!

Discover how hookah tobacco with fruit components should taste. ByCandy Tobacco will show you!

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