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Hookah Windshield / Hookah Coal Protection

You smoke hookah and want to protect yourself from falling coal? You probably know it too: You or one of your friends accidentally pulls the shisha hose or wiggles the table and the hookah wobbles? There is a risk that the glowing charcoal will fall from the Heat Management Device (HMD) or the fireplace attachment and leave unsightly burn marks on your table or even your floor! What's more, the mood is usually in the toilet afterwards.

In order to protect you from exactly this scary scenario, there are the hookah windshields or charcoal protection grids. With the hookah charcoal guard, through the hookah  charcoal grid, you can put the glowing charcoal into your HMD or your fireplace attachment with a clear conscience. › Find more information here

How is a hookah windshield used correctly?

The hookah windshield or the hookah charcoal guard is simply placed on your charcoal plate, so that the windshield is placed around the bowl + smokebox. This protects your hookah charcoal from falling onto the table or the floor.

Which was the first hookah windbreak?

Hookah windshields have been around for a long time. At the very beginning, hookah smokers built their own ones from standard household aluminium foil. Of course, this didn't look quite as nice, which is why brands such as Aladin produced a windscreen for the hookah relatively early on. Since it quickly came to the head getting too hot with a closed windshield, Zomo came out with an innovation. So in 2019 the Zomo wind protection grille or Zomo charcoal protection grille came on the market. This was then a windbreak which rather served the purpose of preventing the charcoal from falling down and not necessarily to protect from wind as the name suggests. Since Zomo has stopped the production of the products, except for the Zomo tobacco, AO has released an alternative.

✔️ Good to know: If you forgot your windscreen when you took your hookah accessories to a friend's house, but you still want protection from falling charcoal, check out this tutorial for a DIY hookah windscreen!

Extra large charcoal guard for your hookah - AO Laminator

If you use an add-on molasses catcher on the head attachment in addition to your hookah bowl and HMD / chimney attachment, then you should make sure that your charcoal protection grille is high enough. The AO Laminator is very suitable for this, as it is the highest version of our hookah charcoal lighter. This product is also available in different colours to match your hookah. For example, the colour of the AO Laminator windshield Gun Metal is a dark grey.

✔️ Good to know: The product is made of stainless steel and can therefore also be cleaned or stored outside without any problems, as it cannot start to rust if it gets wet!

AO Laminator

Conclusion: The charcoal grid is an essential accessory for your hookah!

In summary, we recommend that anyone who smokes in the home, house or any other place where the burning charcoal can damage something, use a charcoal grid as protection.

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