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ONMO HMD attachment - The ONMO Smokebox is the number 1 in the HMD price-performance comparison!
Are you looking for the smokebox with the best price-performance ratio for your hookah setup? The ONMO Heat Management Device (HMD) delivers the balance between price and performance to your home, which will not disappoint you! The HMD from the new manufacturer is currently even the cheapest HMD on the market with a price of 24.90 €. Before that, the Kaloud Lotus 1+ was the only solution on the shisha market for a long time. However, at just under 60 euros, the Lotus HMD was too expensive for many customers. The only alternative at that time was the Zidclouds Zeppelin, which many customers did not like as far as heat management was concerned. But it was also in a similar price category.
The new Kaloud Lotus alternative from ONMO
The new brand ONMO has now turned the market upside down and taken performance to a new level with the ONMO Smokebox. You can find all the information and data here with us!
How is the Onmo HMD designed?
The ONMO HMD consists of a cast aluminium component and is not held together by screws like other smokeboxes. This not only makes the ONMO more visually appealing, but also easier to handle: due to the lack of ribs on the inside, unlike other HMDs, it is much easier to place the hookah charcoal. The second advantage is that less moisture and dirt accumulate inside the HMD after use and cleaning. This means that your ONMO always stays clean and does not restrict the taste at your next session!
What colours are available for the ONMO HMD?
Currently there is only one colour, silver. However, the manufacturer has already announced that a black version is in development. It is not yet known when this will be available.
With which HMD contact should I smoke hookah?
In contrast to the Kaloud HMD, the ONMO has bars and no nubs. Smoking is therefore done with a high head, not on nub contact, but on bar contact. In addition to the bar contact, it is also possible to smoke with the HMD on contactless or full contact. In the contactless version, the tobacco does not touch the HMD, which can have slight advantages in the draught or airflow. In addition, the tobacco burns less quickly, but may also release fewer flavours when smoking the hookah. With bar or full contact, the tobacco touches the bars or the entire underside of the HMD.
This leads to more heat being transferred to the hookah tobacco and more flavours or nicotine being released. With which contact you should smoke the HMD depends on your experience as a hookah smoker. If you are a pro, we recommend a contact version for more flavours, but if you are just a beginner, we recommend a contactless version first.
In addition to your level of advancement, the type of tobacco used is also crucial. Varieties with Burley Tobacco as the base tobacco, also known as Dark Blend tobacco, usually require a little more heat than the easily digestible and beginner-friendly Virginia tobacco.
How do I clean the ONMO Smokebox?
The best way to clean the ONMO is with a HMD wire brush, which you can also find in our Moze Shisha Online Shop. Make sure that you only clean the parts of the HMD that are dirty and where there is no other cleaning object than a wire brush, as aluminium is a soft material and this can lead to a loss of optics. We also recommend that you do not place the ONMO HMD on the charcoal grill, as you may know from some stainless steel HMDs, nor throw it directly into water to cool it down after the session, as aluminium is also not resistant to rapid temperature changes. You can find more tips on cleaning in our article in the knowledge category!
Which bowl should I use with the ONMO?
The choice of bowls is hardly limited. Almost all the shisha heads you will find in our shop are designed for heat management devices. You can order almost any hookah bowl in our bowl category and it will fit the ONMO. For beginners we always recommend the Oblako M or the Hookain LitLip! We also have a few bundles with head and HMD available in the shop in the sale category! So you can put both products together in the shopping cart and everything will be shipped together.
ONMO HMD offer - buy cheap in a savings package!
By the way, we also offer a savings package for all those who want to have several HMD at home so that they don't have to clean the smokebox after every hookah session. Order the ONMO savings package and get 5 HMD for the price of 4! You also get free shipping. Speaking of shipping: The shipping usually takes 1-2 working days after payment until the goods arrive at your home, so you can start right away with your new smokebox.