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Buy hookah with 4 connections at Moze

A hookah with 4 hoses is the perfect option if you like to meet up with friends to enjoy a hookah. The 4-hose hookah gives you and your friends the opportunity to puff on a hookah at the same time. So you don't have to wait until your colleague finally hands you the hookah hose to be able to take a drag from the hookah. With hookahs with 4 connections, you can choose between many different designs in our hookah shop, so there is sure to be a model that suits your taste. › Find more information here

Hookah stainless steel 4 connections - The best option at Moze

Many manufacturers have already launched a 4-hose hookah on the market and there are countless models. Many of these hookahs are very similar and do not offer a highlight that will amaze your friends. A 4-hose hookah that offers unique design, excellent performance and many design customisation options did not exist until the introduction of the Moze Varity. The Moze Varity is the only hookah that allows you to customise the hookah the way you like it. Thanks to its modular system, the hookah can be set up as both a small hookah and a large hookah. You can also use different blow-off effects.

✔️ Good to know: If you smoke alone with your Moze Varity Squad, you can remove the ball in the hose connection with which you smoke and fit the other connections with the supplied rubber stopper to be able to use many different blow-off effects. This way you can use beautiful effects when blowing out the hookah, even though it is actually a hookah with 4 connections!

The Moze Varity is made of V2A stainless steel, so there is no risk of the hookah rusting. The stainless steel hookah is also very easy to clean.

📄 If you want to find out more about cleaning hookahs, read our hookah cleaning guide!

The model is available in stainless steel silver and stainless steel gun metal / black. When choosing your Varity, you should make sure that you select a Squad variant, as these are the hookahs that have 4 connections.

Hookah with 4 connections - What are the advantages and disadvantages of these models?

Hookahs with 4 connections also have their advantages and disadvantages. To help you decide whether a hookah with multiple connections is more suitable than a hookah with one connection, we have summarised all the advantages and disadvantages for you.

Advantages of hookahs with four or more connections

The biggest advantage of a hookah with 4 connections is that you can smoke alone or with four friends at the same time on a hookah without having to pass the hose around. In addition, the performance of a good 4-hose hookah is very similar to that of a 1-hose hookah. So you won't notice a big difference. Another advantage is that you can also smoke the hookah if you fancy a hookah on your own. So you have a 2 in 1 option.

Disadvantages of hookahs with four or more connections

The valve balls in the connections of a 4-hose hookah can impair the draught. With a well-designed multi-tube hookah, however, this difference is not too great. Another disadvantage is that a session in which several people smoke on one hookah usually ends more quickly, as both the charcoal burns out more quickly and the tobacco loses its flavour more quickly. This is due to the fact that the hookah is smoked more frequently, which means that the charcoal is supplied with new oxygen with each puff and therefore burns faster. The same applies to tobacco: the more frequently it is pulled, the faster the entire flavour in the tobacco is vaporised. At this point, it should also be noted that there is an increased risk of the tobacco burning if 4 people draw on the hookah at a high frequency, as a lot of heat is released from the hookah coal to the tobacco.

Tips and tricks for smoking with multiple connections

There are a few tips you can use to counteract the disadvantages of four-hose hookahs:

To ensure that the draw is not impaired, you should definitely make sure that the hose connections are wide enough so that a good draw is guaranteed even when the valve balls are installed. For the models available in our shop, we check this in detail before we add the items to the Moze hookah shop. 
 To ensure that your session is not short-lived and the flavour lasts a long time, you should attach importance to a high-quality hookah bowl in combination with a smokebox. The Oblako hookah bowls, especially in size L, Sheeshaya Hyphen or the Moze hookah bowls are very suitable for hookahs with 4 connections. 
 If 3 or 4 connections of the hookah are occupied, you should make sure that you only draw with one or two people at a time. This way, the bowl doesn't overheat so quickly, the draught remains light and the flavour is intense.

Buy a hookah with 4 connections

You can also purchase your hookah with 4 connections in a set from us. The sets include the hookah and a large package of various hookah accessories. These mainly include products such as hookah hoses, hookah bowls and many other important items that you need for smoking hookah. If you opt for a complete hookah set, you not only have the advantage that you don't have to spend so much time searching for all the items in our shop, but you also save money as we can offer these hookah sets at a discount!

Frequently asked questions about 4-hose models

The following questions about hookahs with four or more connections are frequently asked by our customer service team:

Can I use a multi-tube hookah on its own?

Yes, if you want to smoke alone, you just have to make sure that the balls are inserted in the other hose connections. You also have the advantage of being able to blow the smoke out of the hookah on your own (simply remove the ball in the connection that is currently being used).

How big should a hookah with 4 connections be?

There are basically no rules here. However, it has become established that most hookahs with 4 connections are medium-sized (from 40 cm in height). This is probably for stability reasons, as the hookah stands more securely due to its higher weight and wider base support surface.

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