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Creamy hookah tobacco

Creamy hookah tobacco may sound a bit uncomfortable to most hookah smokers and triggers some skepticism, as creamy does not go together with tobacco in the minds of most smokers. This is perhaps also due to the fact that in the past, many brands have tried to produce a creamy tobacco, but then it did not really go down well in the market. It is true, of course, that it is extremely difficult to combine the taste in combination with the feeling of drinking a hot coffee or enjoying the creamy ice cream.

But something has changed: The increasing influence of Russian manufacturers brings new wind into the market and also into the creamy varieties. Manufacturers are getting better and better at making hookah tobacco creamy, and that's why more and more varieties are enjoying an increase in popularity. So there are now some creamy varieties that really taste like what they are supposed to taste like! These hookah tobacco varieties you should definitely try. › Find more information here

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Strobery Kokonat 25g


Red Turtle #105 25g


Cheeze P!e #100 25g

What are the best creamy hookah tobaccos?

Currently, the most popular varieties include:

  • Starline French Puff: Blätterteig, Mascarpone, Erdbeere
  • Starline Blue Crump: Blaubeermuffin
  • Starline Tender Tar: Nougat/Kuchen
  • Starline Belgian Morning: Beerenmix, Belgische Waffel, Teig
  • Blackburn Strobery Kokonat: Erdbeere, Kokosnuss, Vanille
  • Darkside Blue Blast: Blaubeermuffin
  • Nameless Red Turtle: Zimt, Kaugummi

Besides these, there are countless other tobaccos that fall into the category of creamy hookah tobacco varieties

What is the best way to mix creamy hookah tobacco?

Many want to add another note to their creamy tobacco and for this especially recommended the flavors that are not overshadowed by the creamy note, but withstand the intensity of creamy flavors. For this purpose, all shisha tobaccos with citrus as the main flavor are particularly suitable, but also tobacco varieties with a berry note are excellent for mixing! Creamy tobacco invites both for mixing, but also for pure smoking.

The creamy tobacco flavor thus offers a great variety and countless possibilities for delicious mixes! Just try it out for yourself!

✔️ Little tip: Since there are more and more 25g packs, you can now try different mixes at a reasonable price and find your favorite!

What are you waiting for? Try creamy hookah tobacco now!

You will find a wide selection of different creamy flavors in our store. Get one of the flavors now and find out if creamy tobacco is something for you or not. Because as we know, tastes are just different, but many of our customers find after testing these creamy varieties like this hookah tobacco category!

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